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Door Opens at 5pm | Dinner starts at 6:30pm
Admission fee $25/person (cash please!)
Friends and family are welcome!
Reserve your ticket by latest April 14
With Erik Bladt at or 778-549-5958
Venue: Scandinavian Community Centre | 6540 Thomas St., Burnaby
Door Prizes and 50/50
Music by; John Parsons
Rue bread and French bread with butter
White Herring--Spiced Herring--Curry Herring
Shrimp w. Mayonnaise
Egg, Tomato, and Anchovy
Smoked Salmon with Cream Cheese,
Capers and Lemon
Tarteletter with Ham
Warm Liver pâte Platter with Sky,
Mushroom and Bacon
Warm Frikadeller and Medister
Carved Pork Roast
Red Cabbage, Nugget Potato and Gravy
Fruit Salad w. whipped Cream
Coffee and Tea